5D Health Protection Group limited

multi award winning microbiology laboratory

Business Support

Outstanding Business and Marketing Customer Support

Regulatory and Quality Support

5D provide significant support for companies that may require assistance to guide staff in the design, development and also execution of activities related to quality and regulations.

When new products are being developed it is important to fully understand the regulatory compliance requirements.

All projects we undertake are unique and customer specific. We have many years experience in the development of technical files and design dossiers for CE marks and 510k submissions. The FDA require 510(k) premarket submissions for new devices that are not subject to Post Market Approval (PMA). The submission demonstrates that a device to be marketed is at least as safe and effective as a legally marketed device (21 CFR 807.92(a)(3)).

In the USA, companies must compare their device and show equivalence to similar legally marketed devices. CE marks and 510(K) submissions are required, when the commercialisation of a new device is occurring for the first time or when there is a change/modification to an existing  device. In addition, we have experience in auditing suppliers and testing laboratories. We can review standard operating procedures (SOPs), carry out audits of test methods and procedures in microbiology and testing laboratories and R&D facilities in all sizes or organisations. 

Marketing and Business Development Support

Both the use of business development and marketing are significant for growing a business. In order to grow a business, both marketing and business development need to be aligned to ensure that they are focused on the same goal to ensure that customers are attracted to their services and products and that true benefits can be achieved by adopting that service. Business development is considered to be responsible for the development of partnerships in organisations, building and enhancing strategic partnerships and sourcing new contacts in chosen markets to ensure new business and customers. Marketing is considered more strategic as they have the responsibility for both understanding the needs and also the wants of the markets and targeted customers. From this data strategic plans for companies can be developed to help establish a company's value proposition, provide guidance on its capabilities and ensure that the appropriate target markets are addressed. At 5D we can offer both business development and marketing strategies to help grow a business. A few areas where we have helped customers have included strategy development, content development for training and educational support at conferences, work shops and forum meetings, campaign development and speaking engagements at industry events and conferences.We also have written and presented large numbers of abstracts, posters and journal publications which have lead to significant sales growth for organisations.


We form a bridge between academics and industry. Pure research may lead to the development of a new technology, but no one knows its potential. That’s where we come in, working with PhD students or professors to explore the possibilities. Is there a commercial use? Is it viable? What would it take to move the technology from a concept to a practical and commercial proposition? Our research, innovation, testing and business support services help to move ideas from the research paper to the finished product. 

Exploiting an innovative academic idea, patent or technology needs support and promotion in order to achieve its full commercial potential. However, it is often found that the time required for an innovation to move from bench to bedside is a long process unless a strategic and risk assessment plan is put in place to mediate issues.

At 5D we have over 25 years innovating, developing and commercialising products particularly medical devices on a global scale. We have been working globally with, and along side, universities for 28 years in may different capacities. We have secured significant grant income for the development of next generation game changing technologies, research and innovations. In particular we have been supporting and developing patents for antibiofilm agents, antimicrobial surfaces, biosensor technologies, biomaterials, biocides and game changing medical devices particularly in wound care and catheters.

Spin-off, SME and Large Multinationals

In addition to routine scientific testing and support, we are frequently asked to support companies with new tests when they’re implementing new technology or equipment and marketing strategies. Recently we have been collaborating with a client, undertaking research with their products to help achieve improved marketing claims. It is often a two-way process – a partnership that drives discovery and innovation, using our knowhow and our partnering company’s corporate muscle.

Many businesses have a great product that works, but they do not know why. Our job, then, is to explain and help market the science that underpins the product’s efficacy.

Solutions to Problems

5D provide cutting-edge science and technology solutions to companies of all sizes. We have a proven track record across a diverse spectrum of industries that include as examples healthcare, medical, life sciences, water and engineering. We provide a comprehensive, integrated approach to problem solving.

Our team is unique in their ability to evaluate technologies and provide expert advice on avoiding and mitigating problems early in the product innovation and development life cycle.


Before investing in the development of a new product – or a start-up aiming to bring one to market – investors often turn to 5D for assistance, particularly in the fields of life science and medical device development in particular skin and woundcare. Using our testing and scientific skills at an early stage becomes a key part of an investor’s due diligence process and assists in the move towards fully licensed technologies. Some testing providers only perform a limited range of services or are restricted in the facilities or microorganisms they can use. For a specialist job, you need a specialist supplier – one that delivers cutting-edge scientific testing, efficiently and without any compromise. That supplier is 5D.

Due Diligence

5D have substantial expertise in conducting medical device and life science due diligence. This expertise is regularly employed to support mergers and acquisitions, financial investment and licensing technologies on behalf of our clients. We also offer companies a reality check service. This is a useful checkpoint for a company before it formally enters into a due diligence program. Our teams of experts have gained extensive skills and knowledge in Medical Device Innovation, Product Development, R&D, Marketing, Business Development, Quality and Regulations, Clinical Trials and Education. The team's capabilities and experiences have been developed from working in a range of companies including start-ups, SMEs, global multinationals, academic institutions,  and international public health bodies.

Company Achievements

Certified by BSi for ISO 9001:2015
Certified by BSi for ISO 13485:2016
Accredited by UKAS to ISO 17025:2017

CPD Accredited Training Courses - 2020
Winner of 3 Innovate UK funding competitions - 2016, 2017, 2018
Winner of the monthly Merseyside Innovation Award competition May 2018
Winner of the Annual Merseyside Innovation Award competition 2018
Winner of 7 National Biofilm Innovation Centre (NBIC) funding competitions 2019, 2020, 2021 
Winner of the Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards - Best Global Microbiology Laboratory 2019

Winner of Northern Enterprise Awards - Best Contract Microbiology Laboratory 2020

Winner of the Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards - Best CRO and Biofilm-Antibiofilm Centre 2020

Winner of Global Health & Pharma Excellence Awards - Best Contract Research and Microbiology Testing Organisation 2021 

Prof Steven Percival

Chief Executive Officer

Steven has over 28 years’ experience at senior management and Vice President levels in R&D, commercial and general management gained in FTSE 100, AIM listed and privately owned companies involved in medical device development, biomedical R&D, academic research and public health.

He has also invented and developed many medical devices that continue to be sold globally. Steven also holds the position of honorary Professor at The University of Liverpool. He has a PhD in biofilms and microbiology, an MSc in Health Sciences, an MSc in Medical Microbiology and a diploma in business administration. He has written over 430 scientific publications and conference abstracts and edited/authored eight textbooks and provided over 300 presentations worldwide. He sits on many international panels and industrial advisory boards linked to medical devices, woundcare, biofilms, antimicrobials, infection prevention and control.

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Mr Martin Crowe

Finance Director

Martin is a CIMA Qualified accountant with over 30 years experience at Financial Director level.

He has extensive experience in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and biotechnology industries having worked at Corning Inc, J Bibby Science Products, Advanced Medical Solutions Plc and Sants Pharmaceuticals. With a good understanding of a range of manufacturing industries, Martin uses his commercial insight to streamline business processes, improve financial control, and increase efficiency.

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Dr Karen Matthews

Non-Executive Director

Karen is a lawyer with over 30 years legal experience, is qualified to practice law in the U.K. and the U.S. (Florida), and is a Governance Professional.

In addition to her professional qualifications she holds an LL.B (hons) and a Juris Doctor (cum laude). She has worked in private practice in the U.K., the U.S. and Hong Kong and in-house in the U.S. for Tech Data Corporation and in the U.K. for Alfred McAlpine Plc and Advanced Medical Solutions Group Plc. She has served as a non-executive on the board of Parkhaven Trust, a residential care home charity and is a current non-executive trustee for the SBA, the Solicitors' Charity.

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Dr Stephen Law

Research & Innovation Manager

Stephen has over 30 years experience gained in many multinational organisations involved in product development and R&D.

He has extensive knowledge and skills in polymeric materials including fibres and films, membranes and beads particularly in textile fibres, composites and medical fibres for woundcare. Steven has a PhD from Leeds University gained in the Department of Textile Industries, where he won the Paul Schlack Man-made Fibres prize 1999.

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Dr Fergus Watson

Operations Manager & Principal Microbiologist

Fergus has over 10 years of microbiology, antimicrobials, biofilms, decontamination, product development and scientific research experience gained while working as a senior scientist, product manager and laboratory manager at Bioquell UK Ltd and Ecolabs.

He holds a first class honour degree in biological sciences and a PhD in microbiology and biofilms from the University of Southampton. Fergus has authored many research publications in microbiology, infection and antimicrobial testing and development.

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Dr Neville Freeman

Principal Scientist

Neville is Principal Scientist at the 5D Health Protection Group. He has worked for numerous multi national companies and SME’s, in senior roles contributing to new and innovative products, engaged both with the fundamental science and the commercialisation.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and hold a visiting position at Manchester University (Physics Department). Neville has been invited to speak at scientific conferences in Europe, USA and Far East. Other honours have included invitations to exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition and present at the British Association’s Festival of Science. He has served on national (e.g. IEE nanotechnology committee) and regional steering groups and won awards (e.g. National Measurement Award, National Physical Laboratory) and regional awards (e.g. Merseyside Innovation Award). He has published 34 journal papers and contributed to 25 patents.

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Dr Rui Chen

Senior Scientist – Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Biologics

Dr Chen has over 20 years experience in the fields of cell biology, biocompatibility, inflammation, wound modelling, biomaterials, tissue engineering and product development.

Dr Rui Chen gained his PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2001 and then developed a successful research career as a PDRA and senior scientist working with a number of research groups around the world developing his reputation as an expert in the field of biomaterials, cell biology and tissue engineering. He has published a number of high impact rated research papers and presented his pioneer research at local and international conferences.

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Dr Marcus Swann

Senior Scientist – Biosensors, Biomarkers & Diagnostics

Marcus has over 30 years’ experience of scientific research and development and in bringing sensing and measurement technologies to market, principally in the areas of surface analysis and biosensing.

He has worked both in academia and industry and has collaborated with international groups in universities and in support of commercial R&D. Marcus has a Ph.D. from the University of Bristol in Electrochemistry and has contributed to over 90 scientific publications and patents.

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Customer Testimonials

  • "We have found 5D Health Protection very informative and responsive to the work proposals, questions and final data. 5D Health were very helpful and clear in their support and advice throughout the study"
  • "5D provided an excellent service regarding product evaluation, consultancy and education"
  • "If anybody is looking to begin working with biofilms, they need to look at this course. It is run by top notch people, and they make it fun"
  • "Excellent communication of timelines"
  • “Always happy to discuss test methods and results with us”
  • “All testing was conducted as agreed, clear and professional report supplied”
  • "Very quick response to the initial request. Very professional and helpful advice to the requested studies. Very Supportive staff"
  • "If not for this course, we would likely never be able to get our lab up and running in a timely manner. This was a HUGE time saver in the long run"

5D Accomplishments, Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Bradford Logo
  • Cardiff University


5D Health Protection Group Ltd

Accelerator Building
1 Daulby Street
L7 8XZ
United Kingdom


+44 (0) 151 702 9492

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